Ginny, together with Marty Collins, established the Digital Media Factory. It was a 15,000 square foot, state of the art film and production studio located in Santa Cruz , California. Ginny has decades of experience in all aspects of the video and film business.
Ginny has produced a series for PBS, The Girls from Santa Cruz and produced and directed her own flagship IPTV music show, Santa Cruz Live featuring music from all over the globe.
The studio was closed in 2013, due to the death of it’s founder and CEO, Marty Collins.
Today Ginny still produces videos, including the planning and preproduction. Ginny either oversees the filming or is hands on with her cameras. She uses both Final Cut Pro 10 and Adobe Premier for her film editing.
Ginny has also kept the legacy gear and provides transfer services including the following formats:
VHS, Hi8, Beta, DAT and Analog video tapes.
Having learned from the expert, Marty Collins, Ginny keeps the tradition of excellence alive.